Alla filmer med taggen bhakti (Min Yoga Vidya) - Min Yoga Vidya2025-02-16T22:42:45Z for peace and joy | Om Sat Chid Ananda Mula Mantra by Bhakti from Mantra,2025-01-13:3819623:Video:540582025-01-13T08:37:18.581ZSukadev Bretz
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Miniatyr" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br><p>Dm<br></br> om sat chit ananda parabrahma<br></br> Dm<br></br>
purushothama paramatma<br></br>
sri bhagavathi sametha<br></br>
sri bhagavathe namaha<br></br>
hari om tat sat<br></br>
hari om tat sat<br></br>
F C<br></br>
hari om tat sat<br></br>
hari om tat sat</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Performed by…</p>
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniatyr" /><br />
</a><br /><p>Dm<br/> om sat chit ananda parabrahma<br/>
purushothama paramatma<br/>
sri bhagavathi sametha<br/>
sri bhagavathe namaha<br/>
hari om tat sat<br/>
hari om tat sat<br/>
F C<br/>
hari om tat sat<br/>
hari om tat sat</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Performed by Bhakti</p>
<p>This mantra is called the root mantra, because all other mantras come from this mantra or it leads you back to the root of your being. It is directed at the Highest Consciousness, which manifests itself as Being, Knowledge and Bliss.</p>
<p>You can share the video with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞 This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏<br/> Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel the divine presence</p>
<p>Follow us on our other online channels: <br/> <br/>
⚛️ Facebook: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> <br/>
⚛️ Instagram: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Yoga Class Bhakti Yoga 20 Minutes - Asanas as Devotion to,2017-01-27:3819623:Video:132432017-01-27T10:35:47.247ZSukadev Bretz
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Miniatyr" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>A very spiritual Yoga Class: <a href="" target="_blank">Hatha Yoga</a> as Devotion to God. Adore the Divine with your whole body. <a href="" target="_blank">Asanas</a> can be seen as prostration, as prayer, as embracing the Divine. Sukadev leads you through a short…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniatyr" /><br />
</a><br />A very spiritual Yoga Class: <a href="" target="_blank">Hatha Yoga</a> as Devotion to God. Adore the Divine with your whole body. <a href="" target="_blank">Asanas</a> can be seen as prostration, as prayer, as embracing the Divine. Sukadev leads you through a short 20-minutes-session of Asanas, relaxation and <a href="" target="_blank">Pranayama</a> - with prayers and affirmations. This class is suited for intermediate students who are familiar with the <a href="" target="_blank">Sivananda</a> Yoga Class or the Yoga Vidya Yoga Class. You should know <a href="" target="_blank">Surya Namaskar</a> (Sun salutation) and <a href="" target="_blank">Shirshasana</a> (Headstand) before practicing with this Video. To learn these practices - try our Beginners Videos in this Channel. More <a href="" target="_blank">english Yoga Videos</a> Sundaram chants the Shiva Kirtan named,2011-08-25:3819623:Video:31492011-08-25T17:51:58.979ZSukadev Bretz
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Miniatyr" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>Sundaram chants the Shiva Kirtan named "Nataraja Nataraja" during Live Satsang held at Yoga Vidya Germany in Summer 2011. A powerful and dynamic mantra which praises Lord Shiva by one of his many names "Nataraja" - the dancing god. The short text makes it easy to sing along. <a href=""></a> . More Mantras from…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniatyr" /><br />
</a><br />Sundaram chants the Shiva Kirtan named "Nataraja Nataraja" during Live Satsang held at Yoga Vidya Germany in Summer 2011. A powerful and dynamic mantra which praises Lord Shiva by one of his many names "Nataraja" - the dancing god. The short text makes it easy to sing along. <a href=""></a> . More Mantras from Sundaram <a href=""></a>